In previous articles i explained Show tool tip message using CSS and HTML and Bind gridview and highlight row on mouse over in asp.net and Bind,Save,Edit,Update,Cancel,Delete,Paging example in GridView in asp.net C# and Bind,upload,download,delete image files from the gridview and Sorting in gridview by column header and Searching records in gridview records
Implementation: let's create a web page to see it in action.
- In the <head> tag of the asp.net design page(.aspx) write as:
<head runat="server">
<style type="text/css">
#grdEmp tr.rowHover:hover
- Now place a gridview data control on the design page(.aspx) and write as:
<asp:GridView ID="grdEmp" runat="server CssClass="rowHover" RowStyle-CssClass="rowHover">
Note: You just need to call the class "rowHover" in CssClass and RowStyle-CssClass
Note: You just need to call the class "rowHover" in CssClass and RowStyle-CssClass
Now over to you:
" I hope you have got the easiest CSS trick to highlight gridview row on mouse over in asp.net and
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Click here for commentswht if i have to implement this code in a content page which is been linked to its master page
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