How to Convert Rupees,Currency or Numbers to Words in C#

Introduction : In this article I am going to explain How to convert currency to words or we can say How to convert number to words using with C# Language.
convert currency or number to words in c#
Click on image to enlarge
Description: It can convert up to 99 crores i.e. maximum 9 digit numbers. I have also set the max length properly of the textbox to 9 so that you can enter up to 9 digits to avoid the exceptions. I have also used the RequiredFieldValidator and RangeValidator validation controls to ensure rupees/number that you want to convert in words can’t be left blank and between 1 to 999999999.
In previous articles i explained How to Get age in years,months,days,hours and seconds from DOB and Get Title,Description and Keywords Meta tags from URL and Bind state categories and cities sub categories in single dropdownlist and Bind and implement Custom paging in DataList  and Delete multiple records from gridview with checkbox selection and  How to generate random number in ? and Get city, state and country based on zip code using Google map API in and How to read mac address using

Implementation: Let's create an web application to see it in action.
  • In the design page (.aspx) place two TextBox controls and a Button controls and design the web page as:
<fieldset style="width: 500PX;">
    <legend>Convert Rupees/Numbers to words in</legend> 
    <tr><td>Enter rupees in number: </td>
    <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtNumber" runat="server" MaxLength="9"></asp:TextBox><asp:Button ID="btnConvert" runat="server" Text="Convert To Words"
                onclick="btnConvert_Click"  /><asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvNumber"
                    runat="server" ErrorMessage="Please enter rupees/number"
            ControlToValidate="txtNumber" Display="Dynamic" ForeColor="#FF3300"
        <asp:RangeValidator ID="rngNumber" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtNumber"
            Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Please enter rupees/number from 1 to 999999999"
            ForeColor="#FF3300" MaximumValue="999999999" MinimumValue="1"
            SetFocusOnError="True" Type="Integer"></asp:RangeValidator>
        <td>Converted Rupees in Words: </td>
        <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtWords" runat="server" Rows="3" ReadOnly="True"
                TextMode="MultiLine" Width="331px"></asp:TextBox></td>

C#.Net Code to convert Rupees,Currency or Numbers to words in
  •  In the Code behind file (.aspx.cs) write the code as:
protected void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Int64 NumVal = Convert.ToInt64(txtNumber.Text.Trim());      
        txtWords.Text = Rupees(NumVal);
    public string Rupees(Int64 rup)
        string result="";
        Int64 res;
       if(( rup / 10000000) > 0)
      res =  rup / 10000000;
      rup =  rup % 10000000;
      result = result + ' ' + RupeesToWords(res) + " Crore";
    if(( rup / 100000) > 0)
      res =  rup / 100000;
      rup =  rup % 100000;
      result = result + ' ' + RupeesToWords(res) + " Lack";
    if(( rup / 1000) > 0)
      res =  rup / 1000;
      rup =  rup % 1000;
      result = result + ' ' + RupeesToWords(res) + " Thousand";
    if(( rup / 100) > 0)
      res =  rup / 100;
      rup =  rup % 100;
      result = result + ' ' + RupeesToWords(res) + " Hundred";
    if ((rup % 10) >= 0)
        res = rup % 100;
        result = result + " " + RupeesToWords(res);
    result = result + ' ' + " Rupees only";
    return result;
    public string RupeesToWords(Int64 rup)
        string result="";
        if ((rup >= 1) && (rup <= 10))
            if ((rup % 10) == 1) result = "One";
            if ((rup % 10) == 2) result = "Two";
            if ((rup % 10) == 3) result = "Three";
            if ((rup % 10) == 4) result = "Four";
            if ((rup % 10) == 5) result = "Five";
            if ((rup % 10) == 6) result = "Six";
            if ((rup % 10) == 7) result = "Seven";
            if ((rup % 10) == 8) result = "Eight";
            if ((rup % 10) == 9) result = "Nine";
            if ((rup % 10) == 0) result = "Ten";
        if (rup > 9 && rup < 20)
            if (rup == 11) result = "Eleven";
            if (rup == 12) result = "Twelve";
            if (rup == 13) result = "Thirteen";
            if (rup == 14) result = "Forteen";
            if (rup == 15) result = "Fifteen";
            if (rup == 16) result = "Sixteen";
            if (rup == 17) result = "Seventeen";
            if (rup == 18) result = "Eighteen";
            if (rup == 19) result = "Nineteen";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 2 && (rup % 10) == 0) result = "Twenty";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 3 && (rup % 10) == 0) result = "Thirty";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 4 && (rup % 10) == 0) result = "Forty";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 5 && (rup % 10) == 0) result = "Fifty";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 6 && (rup % 10) == 0) result = "Sixty";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 7 && (rup % 10) == 0) result = "Seventy";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 8 && (rup % 10) == 0) result = "Eighty";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 9 && (rup % 10) == 0) result = "Ninty";

        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 2 && (rup % 10) != 0)
            if ((rup % 10) == 1) result = "Twenty One";
            if ((rup % 10) == 2) result = "Twenty Two";
            if ((rup % 10) == 3) result = "Twenty Three";
            if ((rup % 10) == 4) result = "Twenty Four";
            if ((rup % 10) == 5) result = "Twenty Five";
            if ((rup % 10) == 6) result = "Twenty Six";
            if ((rup % 10) == 7) result = "Twenty Seven";
            if ((rup % 10) == 8) result = "Twenty Eight";
            if ((rup % 10) == 9) result = "Twenty Nine";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 3 && (rup % 10) != 0)
            if ((rup % 10) == 1) result = "Thirty One";
            if ((rup % 10) == 2) result = "Thirty Two";
            if ((rup % 10) == 3) result = "Thirty Three";
            if ((rup % 10) == 4) result = "Thirty Four";
            if ((rup % 10) == 5) result = "Thirty Five";
            if ((rup % 10) == 6) result = "Thirty Six";
            if ((rup % 10) == 7) result = "Thirty Seven";
            if ((rup % 10) == 8) result = "Thirty Eight";
            if ((rup % 10) == 9) result = "Thirty Nine";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 4 && (rup % 10) != 0)
            if ((rup % 10) == 1) result = "Forty One";
            if ((rup % 10) == 2) result = "Forty Two";
            if ((rup % 10) == 3) result = "Forty Three";
            if ((rup % 10) == 4) result = "Forty Four";
            if ((rup % 10) == 5) result = "Forty Five";
            if ((rup % 10) == 6) result = "Forty Six";
            if ((rup % 10) == 7) result = "Forty Seven";
            if ((rup % 10) == 8) result = "Forty Eight";
            if ((rup % 10) == 9) result = "Forty Nine";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 5 && (rup % 10) != 0)
            if ((rup % 10) == 1) result = "Fifty One";
            if ((rup % 10) == 2) result = "Fifty Two";
            if ((rup % 10) == 3) result = "Fifty Three";
            if ((rup % 10) == 4) result = "Fifty Four";
            if ((rup % 10) == 5) result = "Fifty Five";
            if ((rup % 10) == 6) result = "Fifty Six";
            if ((rup % 10) == 7) result = "Fifty Seven";
            if ((rup % 10) == 8) result = "Fifty Eight";
            if ((rup % 10) == 9) result = "Fifty Nine";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 6 && (rup % 10) != 0)
            if ((rup % 10) == 1) result = "Sixty One";
            if ((rup % 10) == 2) result = "Sixty Two";
            if ((rup % 10) == 3) result = "Sixty Three";
            if ((rup % 10) == 4) result = "Sixty Four";
            if ((rup % 10) == 5) result = "Sixty Five";
            if ((rup % 10) == 6) result = "Sixty Six";
            if ((rup % 10) == 7) result = "Sixty Seven";
            if ((rup % 10) == 8) result = "Sixty Eight";
            if ((rup % 10) == 9) result = "Sixty Nine";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 7 && (rup % 10) != 0)
            if ((rup % 10) == 1) result = "Seventy One";
            if ((rup % 10) == 2) result = "Seventy Two";
            if ((rup % 10) == 3) result = "Seventy Three";
            if ((rup % 10) == 4) result = "Seventy Four";
            if ((rup % 10) == 5) result = "Seventy Five";
            if ((rup % 10) == 6) result = "Seventy Six";
            if ((rup % 10) == 7) result = "Seventy Seven";
            if ((rup % 10) == 8) result = "Seventy Eight";
            if ((rup % 10) == 9) result = "Seventy Nine";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 8 && (rup % 10) != 0)
            if ((rup % 10) == 1) result = "Eighty One";
            if ((rup % 10) == 2) result = "Eighty Two";
            if ((rup % 10) == 3) result = "Eighty Three";
            if ((rup % 10) == 4) result = "Eighty Four";
            if ((rup % 10) == 5) result = "Eighty Five";
            if ((rup % 10) == 6) result = "Eighty Six";
            if ((rup % 10) == 7) result = "Eighty Seven";
            if ((rup % 10) == 8) result = "Eighty Eight";
            if ((rup % 10) == 9) result = "Eighty Nine";
        if (rup > 20 && (rup / 10) == 9 && (rup % 10) != 0)
            if ((rup % 10) == 1) result = "Ninty One";
            if ((rup % 10) == 2) result = "Ninty Two";
            if ((rup % 10) == 3) result = "Ninty Three";
            if ((rup % 10) == 4) result = "Ninty Four";
            if ((rup % 10) == 5) result = "Ninty Five";
            if ((rup % 10) == 6) result = "Ninty Six";
            if ((rup % 10) == 7) result = "Ninty Seven";
            if ((rup % 10) == 8) result = "Ninty Eight";
            if ((rup % 10) == 9) result = "Ninty Nine";
        return result;

Now over to you:
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Click here for comments
August 24, 2013 ×

Please modify the code to as is not counting the 10's value
Ex-110 -> One Hendred only

if ((rup % 10) >= 0)
res = rup % 100;
result = result + " " + RupeesToWords(res);

August 24, 2013 ×

Thanks for notifying the problem and your suggestions. I have made the updation.. its working perfectly now.

John Doe
September 02, 2019 ×

Wow, What a Excellent post. I really found this to much informatics. It is what i was searching for.I would like to suggest you that please keep sharing such type of info.Thanks money converter


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